1) Every 3rd person you know owns a Mercedes
2) Every 2nd person you know owns a diplokampino (carinhas de caixa aberta)
3) You can buy
souvlakia at any time of the day.. or night
4) Football is the national sport
5) You go to football games to swear instead of watch the match
6) There's at least 1 periptero (quiosque) on every corner and 3 on every street
7) The bus comes 40 mins late
8) Cars beep at bikes
9) Your neighbour cooks souvla on all 52 Sundays of the year
10) Condoms are sold right next to the bubble gum in shops
11) Anyone can buy alcohol
12) There is no such thing as queues
13) You know the person in the car next to you
14) People wear sandals in public
15) Every old person has a moustache. Including the women.
16) You shout Andrea and half the people turn around in a crowd
17) You should maria = the other half turn around
18) Digital T.V hasn't been introduced
19) Bread and
Halloumi are always served first at any restaurant
20) Blonde people are considered gods
21) Blue eyed people = even more so
22) You have 6
koumparous at your wedding
23) People clap when you're landing in the plane
24) Parking is either:
-A race against time or
-A civil war waiting to happen
25) Everyone hates foreigners
26) Cereals are known as "kkofleiks"
27) The greek translation for thank you is "thank you"
28) Sorry = sorry
29) All singers sound the same
30) The most famous song apart from the national anthem is the RIK radio song every morning
31) Everyone has a shirt of Che Guevara
Zivania is the answer to all problems
33) A Cabaret means a whorehouse
34) Teenagers who start university will go into accounting. Period.
35) "Happy Birthday" is always followed by the greek bday song
36) 7 year old boys drive
37) People compete to see who has the biggest pillar in front of their house
38) When the house is built after 900 years, the pillar is still too short
39) The house opens up into the T.V room
40) There's never too many churches
41) Priests marry
42) If your neighbour has a better Merc/BMW, buy another
43) Only maids take the bus
44) People fight over who pays the bill
45) Cartoons are known as Mickey Mouse
46) You grew up listening to Pompo jokes
47) All Arabs are terrorists
48) The first message you get when you land is by Vodafone
49) Your giagia (avó) force feeds you louvi and angouraki
50) You don't buy cats. You find them
51) Lanitis has been around since the beginning of time
52) You've been hit by a pantofla (pantufa) at least once
53) Watermelon is eaten with halloumi
54) People wear shoes without socks on
55) When you're coming back from Troodos and you put a bunch of snow in the back of your car
56) Taxi Drivers wear 2000 rings on their fingers
57) Compoloi and
pilotta should be made into Olympic sports
58) Every car ride turns into a near death experience